
It is a common procedure performed at the Nephrology Department of Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or acute kidney injury (AKI). Here's a brief overview: 

  • Indications: Hemodialysis is indicated when the kidneys are unable to effectively filter and cleanse the blood, leading to a buildup of waste products and excess fluid in the body. It is commonly used for patients with ESRD, where the kidneys have permanently lost their function, or for patients with AKI, which is a sudden and severe decline in kidney function. 
  • Procedure: During hemodialysis, blood is drawn from the patient's body and passed through a specialized machine called a dialyzer, which acts as an artificial kidney. The dialyzer removes waste products, excess fluid, and toxins from the blood, and then returns the cleansed blood back to the patient's body. The procedure is typically performed multiple times a week, and each session can last several hours. 
  • Risks: Hemodialysis, like any medical procedure, carries some risks. These may include infection at the access site (the area where blood is drawn and returned), bleeding, low blood pressure, muscle cramps, electrolyte imbalances, and allergic reactions. In some cases, complications such as infection, clotting of the access site, or damage to blood vessels or nerves may occur. 
  • Recovery: Recovery after hemodialysis is generally well-tolerated, and most patients can resume their normal activities after the procedure. However, it is important to follow the prescribed treatment plan and adhere to dietary and fluid restrictions as recommended by the nephrologist to optimize the outcomes of hemodialysis. 

The Nephrology Department at Sterling Hospitals Ahmedabad is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced nephrologists who are skilled in performing hemodialysis and managing patients with kidney diseases. The department follows strict infection control protocols and provides personalized care to ensure the safety and well-being of patients undergoing hemodialysis.